Ages 2 Years through 9 years
Offered once a week; the student is placed by their age as of Sept 15 - 2yr Parent and Me must be 2 years of age by Aug. 20
Parent & Me (2 Year)
In this class children can discover the excitement of dance as well as share a special time between mother and child. This will give an opportunity for children to sing, play games, stretch, increase self-confidence and body awareness while being introduced to basic dance concepts with security of mom. Parents begin each new session in the class with their children, but are encouraged to view the class from outside the room as their children become more independent.
Class length: 30 minutes once a week
Recital Dance: Ballet
3 Year Combo
This class is designed to introduce children age 3 to the exciting and creative world of dance. The curriculum consists of an introduction to basic ballet and tap terminology, placement, and skills. Coordination, social skills and positive behavior are all reinforced in a fun structured class environment.
Class length: 45 minutes once a week
Recital Dance: Ballet
4 Year Combo
This class is designed to introduce children age 4 to the exciting and creative world of dance. The curriculum consists of a continuation of the 3yr old dance class which includes an introduction to basic ballet and tap terminology, placement, and skills. Coordination, social skills and positive behavior are all reinforced in a fun structured class environment.
Class length: 60 minutes once a week
Recital Dance: Tap
5 Year - 6 Year Combo
This class is designed to introduce children ages 5 and 6 to the exciting and creative world of dance. The curriculum consists of a continuation of the 4yr old dance class which includes and introduction to basic ballet and tap terminology, placement, and skills. Coordination, social skills, and positive behavior are all reinforced in a fun structured class environment.
Class length: 60 minutes once a week
Recital Dance: Ballet
Mini Rec (7yr-9yr)
This class is designed to introduce children ages 7-9 to the exciting and creative world of dance. The curriculum consists of a continuation of the 5-6yr old dance class which includes and introduction to ballet, tap, jazz and hip hop skills. Coordination, social skills, and positive behavior are all reinforced in a fun structured class environment.
Class Length: 75 minutes once a week
Recital Dance: Hip Hop
*9yr olds can opt out of mini rec. and take rec. ballet, tap and hip hop
9yr - 18yr
For students who want to learn to dance for fun and exercise. Recreational students are placed in the appropriate class according to their age.
Ballet Rec
This ballet class is taught at a slower pace, with all ages welcome. They will study the basics of classical ballet technique.
*Only one ballet rec class offered at this time for all ages*
Hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip hop music. This is a fun and upbeat class that consists of warm-up, center, across the floor and choreography.
Students study rhythm and timing. Class consists of warm-up, center, and across the floor training. Proper terminology and musicality is stressed.
College Dance Team Prep
Competition Team
7yr - 18yr
For the more involved dancer. Our Competition Teams compete at four competitions during the season. Competition students are assessed and placed in the appropriate level. These students attend class two days a week.
*Students must be assessed and placed in the appropriate class*
Competition Team
Class Length: 3 Hours total per week split into 2 separate days
Dances: Contemporary & Jazz (Compete both dances at competitions)
Competition Add-on classes: Competition Technique, Production, Small Group & Solo
Dancers who are on the competition team are encouraged to enroll in the recreational and acro classes at a discounted rate.
Pre-Pointe & Pointe
Prerequisites; must be enrolled in a performance class
11 years old to enroll in pre-pointe, must be assessed for pointe.
Pre-point classes are offered to ballet students who are not yet on pointe to further develop and strengthen the muscles necessary to go en pointe. Pre-pointe classes stress correct alignment and correct classical ballet technique. Pre-pointe classes also allow teachers to assess readiness, offering an atmosphere for proper evaluation of important skills.
Pointe class is the part of classical ballet technique that concerns pointe work, in which a ballet dancer supports all body weight on the tips of fully extended feet. Pointe work is performed while wearing pointe shoes. A dancer should never work in pointe shoes until their teacher has told them they are ready to do so, pre-pointe class is taken in ballet slippers until the dancer has developed the strength and muscles necessary to go en pointe.